Eczema / Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a complex problem associated with well-demarcated raised red patches on the skin with a silvery scale. It most commonly occurs around the elbows and knees – that is, at the hard or stressed surfaces. It may also appear around the scalp and, in fact, can occur anywhere. Its exact etiology is not known, although psoriatic skin does show rapid cell division-it is skin that is growing too fast. Whether this is an immunological, genetic, or stress problem, (or a combination ) it is not known for certain although stress definitely seems to aggravate psoriasis. It is also thought that an over abundance of yeast in the body can contribute to this specific skin condition.

We know that skin disorders externally reflect health and toxicity internally. For this reason, detoxification and nutrition are important factors in M’lis Skin Programs.

M’lis Program Highlights:

  • Tissue repair applied topically.
  • A yeast abatement program (the M’lis Candida Program).

Contact your local M’lis Consultant for more information.