(04-28-11) What Should I Eat?
The M’lis Real Food Challenge is to eat real food for 28 days. Not sure what real food is? Watch this video to find out!(04-18-11) Training Testimonials
(04-18-11) Real Food Challenge
Real Food Challenge(03-3-11) What’s For Lunch?
Take a look at what we eat for lunch at the M’lis Corporate office in Salt Lake City Utah. All the lunches are prepared by our employees and are made to be delicious and nourishing while being simple and healthy.(12-2-10) An Overview by Dr. Linda Nelson
Dr. Linda Nelson discusses 30 years of M’lis programs, products and lifestyle. Our holistic lifestyle programs and education are effective ways of reaching your goals and have been helping people for decades.Beautiful Body, Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Soul.