Glycolic Acid Facial Peel
The skin renews itself every 28 days under normal conditions, and dead cells slough off the surface naturally. A glycolic fruit acid peel speeds up and deepens this process. By exfoliating the top layer of dead skin cells in this treatment, healthy skin emerges from below. In getting rid of dead cells, live cells can be fed with nourishing, moisturizing skin products. Live cells are better able to absorb the natural moisture in the air, and the skin’s natural oils are better able to reach the surface, exposing radiant and healthy skin.
Fine lines are lessened, acne is improved, and skin looks fresh and lustrous. Best when done in a series. The M’lis formula is 3.2 ph and 20% glycolic in an aloe base. For professional use only.
Contact your local spa or wellness center carrying M’lis products for more information on this professional service.